Harold Harkin Blogs

Harold Harkin Blogs


Kenya Mission Blog

10 Apr 2021

Pastor George Birthday

Pastor George Birthday is on 12th April.

So as an gift I made this video slideshow of Pastor George Work.

Hope you Enjoy it.

Once you watch it please feel free to donate to Pastor George Work.

I donate $2 an month to Pastor George Mission Work.

Is only £1.55 an Month but it goes an big way to Buying Bibles for the people who worship Jesus.

Please help bring more souls to Jesus by supporting this worthy Cause.

To Donate Click here

10 Apr 2021
8 Jan 2021
Kenya People

Kenya People

Kenya Mission

Hi welcome to Kenya Mission Blog, am trying to help my friend Pastor George Joseph Oyaro from Kenya who is an pastor trying to help his family and friends to come to Jesus Christ and also help the Kenya people as well as Kenya is not an rich country do not have many of the water facilities we take for granted and food and wooden sheds for homes and buildings.

Hope you like the photos taken by Pastor George.

hope add more in future.

8 Jan 2021
8 Jan 2021

More Kenya Photos

To View More Photos of Kenya People and Landscape please

click here

12 Jan 2021
Swahili Bibles

Swahili Bibles

Donate Swahili Bibles to Kenya People

Kenya People need your help to bring people to be saved to help them please donate Swahili Bibles to Pastor George on his mission to save as many Kenya People as possible.
click this link to buy Swahili Bibles and send to Pastor George
have provided PO Box to send to.
Click Here

Please send here
George Joseph Oyaro
P.O Box 3275, 
George Mobile number is Mobile: +254721588919

12 Jan 2021

Donate Appeal

Donate To Kenya Mission by PayPal 

You can also set up an Subscription to pay Monthly even if small amount it help our mission.

Clicking here

8 Jan 2021

Contact Pastor George 

To Add Pastor George to your Facebook Friends List

Click here

Harold Harkin